One day during Ramadan, I went with some of the girls in my compound to collect leaves for the dinner sauce. Turns out, they had more plans than just collecting some leaves. This was one of the most fun afternoons I've had in Salliyaa.
Fanta posing where the journey all began
Can you find the girls hiding in this picture? Siabatou and Nyima hid from us in the shoulder-high weeds, but eventually we tracked them down.
Here's the crew- (L-R) Nyima, Fanta, Sibo and Siabatou in the back
Trekking through the bush
Sibo and our bowl ready for harvesting

A big termite mound. This thing is as tall as me and much wider.
Sibo and Fanta fighting over the bowl (and the camera shot) at the quarry.
Nyima and Fanta swimming in puddles at the quarry. When we got to the quarry, the girls stripped down and went nuts- swimming and running around.
Here they've switched puddles. You can see the road right behind them. I scared them a couple of times yelling that a car was coming.
By this point, we'd collected enough leaves for the sauce for dinner and the girls found some bush vegetable that looks like a green grape but tastes like okra and started collecting that.
On the way home with our harvest. There was some song and dance going on in this picture.
The girls decided that they would try and hide the bush vegetabe so they wouldn't have to share any of it and could cook all of it for lunch the next day (Remember how the girls cooked for just the kids for lunch during Ramadan?) and it was decided that under Nyima's shirt was the most inconspicuous place.