Friday, February 17, 2012

Ni rano rano Kanjibato. - I miss Kanjibat.

My last picture in Kanjibat.  Hopefully I'll be able to visit soon.  I was going to go this weekend, but then a trek got scheduled for next week.  As much as I'd love to go say hi, the last thing I want is to go hang out for the weekend, then come back, pack and leave the next morning for a week on the road.  I talked to my "husband" (the boy I'm holding in the picture) a little while ago on the phone and since I left, he's gotten a lot better at talking.  I can't wait to see how much Muhammed (the baby in my compound) has grown in the last couple of months.  I can't wait until I can go.  I even miss the food a little tiny bit. Who would have thought?
That said, life in the city is going pretty great.  An update is coming very soon.

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