Friday, February 17, 2012

NEW everything

Around the new year I moved out of my village to start my new job in the city.  This involved the arduous task of finding a house, which proved much more difficult than I could have imagined, but ended in what seems like success.  I don't want to jinx this place.  The second I say this place is perfect, the cats and rats or whatever creatures go nuts in the ceiling on occasion will come down and take over, or who knows what else might happen, but the place is pretty good.  I've got running water, electricity, a shower, a toilet, my own space indoor and outdoors, a fridge (that really is more like a freezer but whatever), a couch, shelves, 2 bedrooms, a kitchen... there's a lot to be excited about.  And the location is good.  A ten minute bike ride from work, a short walk to public transport routes, the same 10 minute ride that gets me to work can also get me to the beach and the new place is in a really lively part of town.
The new job-
I'm still a Peace Corps volunteer, but my posting has changed.  I'm now posted at the World Food Programme country office as a Programme Assistant working on school gardens (and whatever else they tell me I'm doing.)  I've been kind of doing this job on the side for most of my PC service- just doing coordination between PC and WFP, helping at trainings, etc.  Now I just do it all of the time and have some responsibility.  I've been on the job almost 6 weeks now.  So far, its been a good experience.  I've learned a lot.  This is the first time I've had a job anything like this.  I'm getting a lot of opportunities to work on my business writing skills, learning a lot about working within hierarchys and government agencies, trying to figure out how one gets used to a job where you are at the computer all day, and much more.  Right now, I'm working on planning trainings (which may or may not ever happen, which is a little unnerving), working on getting some educational resources on gardens made, planning on going on a monitoring trek, writing a partnership proposal for us and a different organization, etc.


  1. Sounds like you have a more exciting life than me in America! I am jealous. Do you go to Omar's place a lot? Have you gotten to visit Kanjibato? I miss you! Thanks for the update, work sounds challenging and interesting.

    1. Kelsey, I'm sure your life will pick up. And I'll be joining you in America before you know it. I looked at my calendar this week at work and between training, work and hopefully getting to take a couple of weeks off sometime, my home leave is going to be here before I know it.
      I don't go to Omar's a LOT. Probably once every other week. I've cook for myself mostly, which I've been enjoying.
      I haven't gotten back to Foni yet. I wanted to go this weekend but it didn't work out. It really is hard to plan a visit once you move down here. Hopefully in the next couple of weekends I'll make it over there.

  2. Happy to hear your news, Linds. Sounds like your life has changed dramatically!
