Monday, February 20, 2012

The System- 57 Lindsay- 1

A lot of the new job feels like me against the system. And believe me, the system always wins, but not today!
After jumping through some paperwork hoops and missing the car full of people I was supposed to go on a school garden observation trek with, it looks like I'm still going to get to go on trek.  A day late but certainly not a dollar short.  (They're giving me a daily field allowance.)  Turns out another guy in the office is going across the country for work tomorrow, so we're going to share a car and I'll meet the car I was supposed to be traveling with whenever our paths cross. On the way, I'll get to see what the guy I sit across from at the office every day actually does when he's not behind a computer and then I'll get to spend a couple of days checking out school gardens and making plans for the rest of the year.

1 comment:

  1. woo hoo! Good job beating the system. I'm a little jealous to tell you the truth - I feel like I jump through hoops all the time and still don't win. Oh well... maybe one day :)
