Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Donkey punch

Just thought that since I have a couple of extra minutes at this computer I would share a funny game a few of us PCTs play.  It's called donkey punch.  Outside of the city there are donkeys everywhere. They just roam around free so honestly they are everywhere and you never know when you are going to see one.  The game is based loosely on the traveling game punch buggy if you know about that.
The rules:
If a donkey is spotted, the first one to see the donkey punches the closest person who is also playing the game.
If a false punch is made certain repercussions apply: If you punch someone for what you thought to be a donkey from far away and it actually turns out to be a horse, the victim gets to punch you twice.  If you confuse a goat for a donkey, the victim may punch you 4 times.  If you wrongly punch someone, confusing a chicken for a donkey, the victim has the right to beat you mercilessly with a stick.
The game never ends.  Once you are playing, you are always playing as long as there is someone with you who is also participating in the game.
The game has no purpose or goal whatsoever, except perhaps violence, stupidity, fun and the perk of realizing how many donkeys are around us every day.


  1. HAHAHAHA!!!! Its was very hilarious and funny experience reading this post...Got to remind our college days when we use to play such childish games.
    gambia holidays

  2. Loved the outfit Linz! (not completely kidding) lol. I do enjoy seeing you forced into a dress even in Africa. lol. You thought you could escape them, but you never will! mwah ha ha ha!! lol.
    Love and Miss you thither!!!
